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Hazardous Materials Management

Hazardous Materials Business Plan: To ensure that facilities using hazardous materials over specified thresholds are properly handled and stored and local first responders are provided an emergecy response plan, hazardous materials inventory and facility site map. This is accomplished by annual certification of inventory and site map and tri-annual inspections of the facilities to verify compliance with handling and storage of materials and verify accuracy of submitted inventories and site map. 

California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP): To ensure that facilities storing designated extremely hazardous materials over specified thresholds properly prepare and fully implement a Risk Managment Plan (RMP). This is accomplished by conducting tri-annual audits of the CalARP facility RMP to verify proper preparation of the RMP and to conduct inspections of all facilities to verify full implementation of the plan.

The Yuba County CUPA manages the Hazardous Material Business Plan Progam and the California Accidental Release Program under the direction of the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES).