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TMF - Capacity Development

In 1997, California implemented the Technical, Managerial and Financial (TMF) Capacity requirements outlined in the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The TMF requirement helps ensure that all public water systems have long-term sustainability and are able to maintain compliance with all applicable drinking water laws and regulations.

California law requires that a TMF Assessment be completed by new water systems applying for a permit to operate, water systems changing ownership, or systems applying for funding through the State financial assistance program (DWSRF).

The Assessment Forms are provided to the left. Most Transient, Non-Community Water Systems can complete the E-Z form. Community Water Systems, Non-Transient, Non-Community Water Systems and some Transient, Non-Community Water Systems will have to complete the standard Assessment Form. Templates for some of the documents required in the Assessment can be found on the California Water Boards Capacity Development webpage.