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Camp Singer

Camp Singer Sign

(Camp Singer) 
Program Manager Dan Ritner

Camp Singer is a 365 day court commitment program, for youth ages 14 and older, wherein the last phase is spent on a family furlough. Youth have the ability to graduate from the program up to six (6) months earlier if their behavior and individual progress warrant an early release. The primary objectives of Camp Singer are to focus on community protection and redirection of maladaptive behavior. Camp Singer’s philosophy is to assist each youth in developing a sense of achievement and responsibility through exposure to a wide variety of experiences and programming. These experiences will give them the tools to be productive members of our communities. This is accomplished through intense behavior programs, education, vocational training, athletics, community involvement and counseling. These components address the major deficiencies most commonly seen in the youthful offender. Camp Singer focuses on providing a highly-structured and disciplined environment which will help curb the youth’s delinquent behavior.

The fixed structure of Camp Singer revolves around the behavior modification program which applies to all youth in the facility. Youth earn daily points based on observed positive and negative behaviors. This point based system is designed to promote positive behaviors while reducing negative behaviors. Throughout the program, there are incentives for positive behaviors and promoting through the program. These incentives include family visits in which up to five (5) family members, approved by the Deputy Probation Officer, can visit and bring food and Temporary Releases where youth have the ability to leave the facility with their families for a specific period of time.

There are a myriad of programs available to youth at Camp Singer. Prior to and after acceptance into Camp Singer, each youth will be assessed to determine which programs will best address the criminogenic and behavioral needs. These programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART)
  • Substance Abuse Counseling with a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CDAC)
  • Narcotics/Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Food Services Preparation
  • Behavioral/Mental Health Therapy
  • Life to Life
  • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
  • Victim Awareness/Empathy
  • Grief/Loss Support- Teen Bereavement
  • Power Source
  • Garden Program
  • Life Skills
  • 3-D Printer
  • Girl's Circle
  • Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Prevention and Intervention
  • Faith Development
  • Physical Fitness Training
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Employment Preparedness

Youth are required to participate in regular community service opportunities. These hours may count toward community service hours as directed by the Court. These opportunities are supervised and facilitated by Camp Singer staff. Through community service, youth will gain the knowledge on how to be positive members of their communities. Youth are also required to participate in field trips as arranged by Camp Singer staff. It is the hope these community services and field trip opportunities provide the youth with ideas, contacts and experiences which they can continue to utilize once they have graduated the program at Camp Singer.

Youth who enter the program spend a significant amount of time addressing their maladaptive behaviors. However, a key component to their success is the involvement of the parents/guardians and family. Camp Singer promotes familial involvement in the youth’s program and the CDAC facilitates a weekly Parent Support Group designed for parents whose children use drugs and alcohol. Additionally, Camp Singer provides the opportunity for visiting one hour per day, five days per week. Parents are encouraged to schedule visits ahead of time to ensure there is adequate space for visiting. Camp Singer encourages at least weekly contact with the youth’s Deputy Probation Officer to track the youth’s progress, provide support as needed and facilitate a strong and viable transition plan. An integral part to the youth’s success relies heavily on the involvement of the family and the Deputy Probation Officer.

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