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Animal Services

The Animal Services Program for Yuba County Environmental Health includes the inspection, permitting and complaint response at kennels within the county. YCEH also works in conjunction with the Yuba County Public Health Department, Health Officer, and Animal Care Services to facilitate the reporting of animal bites and rabies cases to the State of California Department of Public Health.

Kennels - Yuba County Ordinance Code defines a kennel as a place, facility, or premises where, for commercial purposes three or more dogs or one or more cats are kept or housed, and where animals are kept to be bred, shown, sold, purchased, boarded, trained.

Animal Bites - California Code of Regulations, Section 2606 mandates that all bites from animals susceptible to rabies (mammals) that occur in designated counties be reported to the local health officer.  In Yuba County, Yuba County Animal Care Services is designated to receive all reports of animal bites and other potential exposures to rabies from animals.

Health & Safety Code, Section 121705:  Any person who willfully conceals information about the location or ownership of an animal subject to rabies, which has bitten or otherwise exposed a person to rabies, with the intent to prevent the quarantine or isolation of that animal by the local health officer is guilty of a misdemeanor.