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Time to adjust district lines -- We need your help

Yuba County is preparing to begin the required process to adjust Board of Supervisors district boundary lines. Every ten years, all cities and counties across the nation use new census data to redraw district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. A major part of this effort is getting residents involved by holding public hearings and/or workshops.

Redistricting is important, as it determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for purposes of electing a board member. 

The Board of Supervisors assigned the task to a "Redistricting Committee, which  will seek input in adjusting the maps for our supervisorial districts in a manner that makes sense with the new Census numbers. At that time -- probably beginning in October -- residents will have ample opportunity to share with the Redistricting Committee how they think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent the community.

Would you consider being part of this effort?

Visit to learn more about this project. If you're interesting in participating, let us know. There is an email link on the page for submitting your name or to simply get on a contact list to be updated.